Opinió personal: mmm... de "bones a primeres"... difícil. I això crec que és força bo, ja que els últims "primers singles" dels anteriors discos ràpidament podies dir-ne que estava bé, canyero, però potser, només potser, massa comercial...
Doncs bé, amb el Get on your boots han aconseguit realment un "nou so U2", tal i com anunciaven. Es noten les intervencions dels reis Eno i Lanois pel darrera, i obre molt bones espectatives de cara a la sortida del disc "No Line On The Horizon".
La meva opinió tampoc no pot ser més allunyada de ser objectiva, però després d'escoltar-lo diverses vegades amb tranquilitat, cada vegada m'agrada més.
Però tampoc no tot és perfecte: si tot el disc segueix el mateix nivell, crec que es convertiria en un disc no massa reeixit del quartet de Dublín. Però seguint amb el que va passar amb l'Achtung Baby, on el primer senzill "The Fly" era una de les pitjors cançons del disc, esperem que el nivell sigui molt alt en el proper LP.
I per altra banda, el Sr. Bono es podia haver estalviat les últims "Let me in the sound" però bé... en general puc considerar que m'agrada: guitarreres del mestre The Edge increïbles com sempre, línies de baix del rei Clayton senzilles pero efectives i ritmes de la bateria Mullen com sempre genials.
Podeu escoltar el tema a:
I la lletra de la cançó és:
Get On Your Boots (U2)
The future needs a big kiss
Winds blows with a twist
Never seen a moon like this
Can you see it too?
Night is falling everywhere
Rockets at the fun fair
Satan loves a bomb scare
But he won’t scare you
Hey, sexy boots
Get on your boots, yeah
You free me from the dark dream
Candy floss ice cream
All our kids are screaming
But the ghosts aren’t real
Here’s where we gotta be
Love and community
Laughter is eternity
If joy is real
You don’t know how beautiful
You don’t know how beautiful you are
You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you?
You don’t know how beautiful you are
That’s someone’s stuff they’re blowing up
We’re into growing up
Women of the future
Hold the big revelations
I got a submarine
You got gasoline
I don’t want to talk about wars between nations
Not right now
Hey sexy boots...
Get on your boots, yeah
Not right now
Bossy boots
You don’t know how beautiful
You don’t know how beautiful you are
You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you?
You don’t know how beautiful you are
Hey sexy boots
I don’t want to talk about the wars between the nations
Sexy boots, yeah
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Meet me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, now
God, I’m going down
I don’t wanna drown now
Meet me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Meet me in the sound
Get on your boots
Get on your boots
Get on your boots
Yeah hey hey
Winds blows with a twist
Never seen a moon like this
Can you see it too?
Night is falling everywhere
Rockets at the fun fair
Satan loves a bomb scare
But he won’t scare you
Hey, sexy boots
Get on your boots, yeah
You free me from the dark dream
Candy floss ice cream
All our kids are screaming
But the ghosts aren’t real
Here’s where we gotta be
Love and community
Laughter is eternity
If joy is real
You don’t know how beautiful
You don’t know how beautiful you are
You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you?
You don’t know how beautiful you are
That’s someone’s stuff they’re blowing up
We’re into growing up
Women of the future
Hold the big revelations
I got a submarine
You got gasoline
I don’t want to talk about wars between nations
Not right now
Hey sexy boots...
Get on your boots, yeah
Not right now
Bossy boots
You don’t know how beautiful
You don’t know how beautiful you are
You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you?
You don’t know how beautiful you are
Hey sexy boots
I don’t want to talk about the wars between the nations
Sexy boots, yeah
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Meet me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, now
God, I’m going down
I don’t wanna drown now
Meet me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Meet me in the sound
Get on your boots
Get on your boots
Get on your boots
Yeah hey hey